Saturday, January 29, 2022

Changes in Mother Nature


Mother Nature is just like us. As we express our feelings, so does Mother Nature. Sometimes we cry and get angry and sometimes we smile and laugh. Mother Nature also expresses her feelings like a smile, laugh, and anger. Indeed, her expressions differ from ours. Let us see how she expresses herself.

Match each name with the picture and number it:

1. Snow- e
2. Hail- c
3. Dust-storms- f
4. Lightning- h
5. Rain- b
6. Tsunami- d
7. Earthquake- i
8. Volcano- a
9. Flood- j
10. Landslide- g

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Exercise 95, 96, 97 and 98


Exercise 95.

Combine each set of Simple sentences into one Compound sentence:-

1. He does well. He is nervous at the start.

He does well; only he is nervous at the start.

He does well but he is nervous at the start.

2. The way was long. The wind was cold.

The way was long and the wind was cold.

3. It is raining heavily. I will take an umbrella with me.

It is raining heavily, so I will take an umbrella with me.

4. The harvest truly is plenteous. The labourers are few.

The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few.

5. It was a stormy night. We ventured out.

    It was stormy night, yet we ventured out.

6. Football is a vigorous and healthy game. Every boy should play it.

Football is very vigorous and healthy game and therefore every boy should play it.

7. He is foolish. He is also obstinate.

He is foolish and is also obstinate.

8. I am in the right. You are in the wrong.

I am in the right, but you are in the wrong.

9. We can (ravel by land. We can travel by water.

    We can travel by land and can also travel by water.

10. The train was wrecked. No one was hurt.

       The train was wrecked, but no one was hurt.

11. The paper is good. The binding is very bad.

      The paper is good, but the binding is very bad.

12. We must hasten. The robbers will overtake us.

      We must hasten, or the robbers will overtake us.

13. The prince married the beautiful princess. They lived happily ever after.

       The prince married the beautiful princess and they lived happily ever after.

14. The river is deep and swift. I am afraid to dive into it.

      The river is deep and swift, so I am afraid to dive into it.

15. He was fined. He was sent to prison.

      He was not only fined but also sent to prison.

16. You may go to the theatre. Rama may go to the theatre.

      You may go to the theatre and Rama also may.

17. Bruce was lying on his bed. He looked up to the roof. He saw a spider.

      Lying on his bed, Bruce looked up to the roof and saw a spider.

18. I cried out sadly. I beat my head and breast. I threw myself down on the ground.

      I cried out sadly, beat my head and breast and threw myself down on the ground.

19. You may play hockey. You may play football. You must do either of the two.

      You must play Hockey, or you must play football.

20. You may be wrong. Rashid may be wrong. You cannot both be right.

       Either you or Rashid is wrong and you cannot both be right.

21. I got up. I looked about everywhere. I could not perceive my companions.

      I got up and looked about everywhere, but I could not perceive my companion.

22. In Hyderabad I visited Charminar, Golkonda Fort and Birla Mandir. I could not visit Salar Jung Museum.

      In Hyderabad I visited Charminar, Golkonda Fort and Birla Mandir, but I could not visit Salar Jung Museum.

23. A is equal to B. B is equal to C. A is equal to C.

     A is equal to B and B is equal to C and therefore A is equal to C.

24. Most of the rebels were slain. A few escaped. They hid in the woods and marshes. The rebellion was quickly suppressed.

   Most of the rebels were slain and a few, having escaped, hid in the woods and marshes and thus the rebellion was quickly supressed.

25. He was my school-fellow. He has become a great man. He has grown proud. He

forgets his old friends.

He was my school-fellow, but having become a great man, he had grown proud enough to forget his old friends.

26. I did not see you. I should have spoken to you. I had important news. Delay was


I did not see you, but having important news, I should have spoken to you, for delay was dangerous.

27. Make haste. You will be late. There is no other train till midnight. That train is a slow one.

Make haste or you will be late, for there is no other train till midnight and that train is slow one.

28. Their boats are made of a kind of bark. They are very light. They can easily be carried on the shoulders.

Their boats are made of a kind of bark and they are light enough to be carried easily on the shoulders.

29. The emu, or Australian ostrich, does not sit on its eggs. It covers them up with leaves and grass. It leaves them to be hatched by the heat of the sun.

The emu, or Australian ostrich, does not sit on the eggs but covers them up with leaves and grass and leaves them to be hatched by the heat of the sun.

30. We must catch the 5 o'clock train. There is only half an hour left. We must start

without further delay.

We must catch the 5’o clock train and there being only half an hour left, we must start without further delay.

Exercise 96.

Combine each set of Simple sentences into one Complex sentence containing a Noun clause:-

1. He is wrong. I am sure of it.

I am sure that he is wrong.

2 .You deceived him. That was his complaint.

His complaint was that you deceived him.

2. The train will arrive at a certain time. Do you know the time?

Do you know when the train will arrive?

4. All the planets except for Pluto travel round the sun the same way and in the same

plane. I have often told you this truth.

I have often told you that all the planets except for Pluto travel round the sun.

5. He will waste his time. That is certain.

It is certain that he will waist his time.

6. Where have you put my hat? Tell me.

Tell me where you have put my hat.

7. He is short-tempered. I like him all the same.

In spite of the fact that he is short-tempered, I like him.

8. Is it time for the train to start? Ask the guard.

Ask the guard if it is time for the train to start?

9. It is going to rain. I am sure of it.

I am sure that it is going to rain.

10. Something may be worth doing, It is only worth doing well.

What is worth doing is worth doing well.

11. He is a sincere worker. No one can doubt this fact.

No one can doubt that he is a sincere worker.

12. He said something. I did not hear it.

I did not here what he said.

13. How did you find that out? Tell me.

Tell me how you found that out.

14. You have made a mistake. I think so.

I think that you have made a mistake.

15. Who wrote Shakuntala? Can you tell me that?

Can you tell me who wrote Shakuntala?

16. You stole the purse. Do you deny it?

Do you deny that you stole the purse?

17. I am very sorry. I cannot adequately express my sorrow.

I cannot adequately express how sorry I am.

18. We have been deceived. That is the truth.

That we have been deceived is the truth.

19. How did Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose die? It is a mystery.

It is a mystery how Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose died.

20. He will succeed. We expect it.

We expect that he will succeed.

21. What have you done? Tell me.

Tell me what you have done.

22. We wished to know. We were going somewhere.

We wished to know where we were going.

23. We were nearing some waterfall. It was evident from the distant roar of water.

It was evident from the distant roar of water that we were nearing some waterfall.

24. A certain number of the enemy escaped. We do not know this number.

We do not know how many of the enemies escaped.

25. The two friends quarreled. I want to know the reason.

I want to know why the two friends quarreled.

26. He is a great orator. This fact cannot be denied.

The fact that he is a good orator cannot be denied.

27. Columbus made an egg stand on its end. I will show you his method.

I will show you how Columbus made an egg stand on its end.

28. I have seen this man somewhere before. I cannot remember the place.

I cannot remember where I have seen this man before.

29. He will arrive some time. I do not know the time of his arrival.

I do not know when he will arrive.

30 He distrusts his own sons. It is difficult to understand the reason.

It is difficult to understand why he distrusts his own sons.


Exercise 97.

Combine each set of Simple sentences into one Complex sentence containing an

Adjective clause:-

1. The theft was committed last night. The man has been caught.

The man who committed the theft last night has been caught.

2. The French and Italian languages are different from the Latin language. Latin was once spoken in almost every part of Europe.

The French and the Italian languages are different from the Latin Language, which was once spoken in almost every part of Europe.

3. The time was six o'clock. The accident happened then.

The time when the accident happened was six o’clock.

4. You are not keeping good health lately. Can you tell me the reason?

You can tell me the reason why you are not keeping good health lately.

5. He has many plans for earning money quickly. All of them have failed.

All the plans which he has for earning money quickly have failed.

6. A lion was proud of his strength. He despised the weakness of the mouse.

A lion who was proud of his strength despised the weakness of the mouse.

7. The grapes hung over the garden wall. The fox saw the grapes.

The fox saw the grapes which hung over the garden wall.

8. That is the school. I was taught there.

That is the school where I was taught.

9. You put in somewhere. Show me the place.

Show me the place where you put in.

10. My travelling companion was an old gentleman. His name is Mr. Haq. I met him in Basra.

My travelling companion was an old gentleman by name Mr. Haq, whom I met in Basra.

Exercise 98.

Combine each set of Simple sentences into one Complex sentence containing an Adverb clause:-

1. The nurse must be very tired. She had no sleep last night.

The nurse must be tired, as she had no sleep last night.

2. A gentleman may call. Please ask him to wait.

If a gentleman calls, please ask him to wait.

3. He ran so quickly. He soon overtook me.

He ran so quickly that he soon overtook me.

4. I will get ready. Do not go till then.

Do not go till I get ready.

5. He spoke in a very low voice. Nobody could hear him.

As he spoke in a very low voice, nobody could hear him.

6. I mended my watch this morning. It has stopped.

Although, I mended my watch this morning, it has stopped.

7. It was very stuffy last night. I could not sleep.

As it was very stuffy, I could not sleep last night.

8. The monsoon may break this month. Otherwise the wells will run dry.

Unless the monsoon breaks this month, the well will run dry.

9. I may help you. I may not help you. You are sure to lose the game.

Whether I help you or not, you are sure to lose the game.

10. The fireman came out of the house. The roof collapsed that very moment.

As soon as the fireman came out of the house, the roof collapsed.

11. Success attends hard work. Failure attends bad work.

Success attends hard work, while failure attends bad work.

12. You must hurry. You will miss the train otherwise.

If you do not hurry, you will miss the train.

13. The delegates arrived. The discussion was resumed.

When the delegates arrived, the discussion was resumed.

14. He is very old. He enjoys good health.

Though he is very old, he enjoys good health.

15. No more funds are available. The work has been stopped.

As no more funds are available, the work has been stopped.

16. He saw me coming. He immediately took to his heels.

As soon as he saw me coming, he took to his heels.

17. I may be blunt. I am at least honest.

Though I am blunt, I am at least honest.

18. He was contradicted. He was annoyed.

When he was contradicted he was annoyed.

19. He bled profusely. He died.

As he bled profusely, he died.

20. This may be true of some. It is not true of all.

Though it is true of some, it is not true of all.

21. He ran quickly. He soon overtook me.

As he ran quickly, he soon overtook me.

22. I had left home. Your letter arrived afterwards.

Your letter arrived after I had left home.

23. He saw us. He disappeared immediately.

As soon as he saw us, he disappeared.

24. He will not go out in the rain. He is afraid of getting wet.

He will not go out in the rain lest he should get wet.

25. The bandits fought desperately. They could not bear the idea of being taken alive.

The bandits fought desperately, as they could not bear the idea of being taken alive.

26. The sailors cast anchor. They did so to prevent the ship from drifting on the rocks.

The sailors cast anchor so that they might prevent the ship from drifting on the rocks.

27. You make a good deal of noise. I cannot work.

Since you make a good deal of noise, I cannot work.

28. We may sail to-morrow. It depends on the weather.

We may sail tomorrow if the weather permits.

29. It is very simple. Even a child can understand it.

It is so simple that even a child can understand it.

30. He was returning from school. He was caught in a shower.

When he was returning from school, he was caught in a shower.

31. Robinson Crusoe discovered the print of a foot on the sand. He was puzzled.

Robinson Crusoe was puzzled when he discovered the print of a foot on the sand.

32. He finished the work. Just then the clock struck five.

When he finished the work, the clock just struck five.

33. He is being lionized. He still keeps a level head.

Though he is being ionized, he keeps a level head.

34. Why do you keep your eye on me like this? Have you turned detective?

Have you turned detective that you keep your eye on me like this?

35. We travelled together as far as Kolkata. We parted company there.

After we travelled together as far as Kolkata, we parted company.

36. He is a rich man. No other man in our community is equally rich.

No other man in our community is as rich as he is.

37. You may wish to do the work. You may not wish to do the work. You must still do it.

Whether you wish to do the work or not, you must do it.

38. He was sick. He remained at home.

      As he was sick, he remained at home.

39. You have tears. Prepare to shed them now.

If you have tears, prepare to shed them now.

40. He may slay me. I will trust him.

Though he may slay me, I will trust him.

41. He saw me. He ran away then.

When he saw me, he ran away.

42. He came to my house. I was out.

He came to my house when I was out.

43. His father died. He has been very poor from that time.

He has been very poor since his father died.

44. He grew weaker and weaker. He died.

As he grew weaker and weaker, he died.

45. We take off our clothes. We go to bed.

We take off our clothes when we go to bed.

46. He was hanged. He had committed murder.

He was hanged as he had committed murder.

47. All will respect you. Your being honest is a condition.

All will respect you if you are honest.

48. He is old. He cannot walk.

He is so old that he cannot walk.

49. He won the race. He was the swiftest.

He won the race as he was swiftest.

50. Life lasts a certain time. Let us be honest during that time.

Let us be honest as long as life lasts.

51. The wolf is larger. The jackal is smaller.

The wolf is larger than the jackal is.

52. Arjun is clever. His cleverness equals Rama's.

Arjun is as clever as Rama is.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Exercise 60, 61, 70 Transformation of Sentences


Change the Degree of Comparison without changing the meaning:-

1. Abdul is as strong as his brother.
Answer: Abdul’s brother is not stronger than abdul.(Comparative)

2. Akbar was one of the greatest kings.
Answer: Akbar was greater than most other kings.(Comparative)

             Very few kings were as great as Akbar. (Positive)

3. Some boys are at least as industrious as Karim.
Answer: Karim is not more industrious than some other boys. (Comparative)
              Karim is not the most industrious boy. (Superlative)

4. Mahabaleshwar is cooler than Mysore.
Answer: Mysore is not so cool as Mahabaleshwar. (Positive)

5. No other bowler in the eleven is so good as Rama.

Answer: Rama is better than any other bowler in the eleven. (Comparative)
              Rama is the best bowler in the eleven.

6. Very few cities in India are as big as Chennai.
Answer: Chennai is bigger than most other cities in India.(Comparative)
              Chennai is one of the biggest cities in India.(Superlative)

7. No other story-book is so popular as The Arabian Nights.
Answer: The Arabian Nights is more popular than any other storybook.
              The Arabin Nights is the most popular storybook. (Superlative)

8. This pony is better trained than yours.
Answer: Your pony is not so well trained as this.(Positive)

9. This Church is the biggest in Mumbai.
Answer: No other Church in Mumbai is so big as this. (positive)
              This church is bigger than any other church in Mumbai. (Comparative)

10. This newspaper has a bigger circulation than any other morning paper.
Answer: No other morning paper has as big a circulation as this newspaper. (Positive)
             This newspaper has the biggest circulation of all the morning papers. (Superlative)

11. Helen of Troy was more beautiful than any other woman.
Answer: No other woman was so beautiful as Helen of Troy. (Positive)

             Helen was the most beautiful woman. (Superlative)

12. The airplane flies faster than birds.
Answer: Birds do not fly as fast as the airplane.(Positive)

13. Hyderabad is one of the biggest of Indian cities.
Answer: Very few Indian cities are as big as Hyderabad. (Positive)
            Hyderabad is bigger than most other Indian cities. (comparative)

14. Some beans are at least as nutritious as meat.
Answer: Meat is not more nutritious than some beans. (Comparative)

15. Samudra Gupta was one of the greatest of Indian kings.

Answer: Very few Indian kings were as great as Samudra Gupta.(positive)

              Samudra Gupta was greater than most other Indian Kings. (Comparative)             

16. Australia is the largest island in the world.
Answer: No other island in the world is so large as Australia. (Positive)
              Australia is larger than any other island in the world. (Comparative)

17. Very few Indo-Anglian novelists are as great as R.K. Narayan.
Answer: R K Narayan is greater than most other Indo-Anglian novelists. (Superlative)
              R K Narayan is one of the greatest Indo-Anglian Novelists. (Superlative)

18. This is one of the hottest districts in India.

Answer: Very few district in India are as hot as this.
              This is hotter than most other districts in India. (Comparative)

19. It is better to starve than beg.
Answer: It is not so good to beg as to starve. (Positive)

20. He loves all his sons equally well.
Answer: He does not love any of his sons better than the others. Comparative.

Exercise 61.

Change the following sentences into the Passive form. (Omit the agent where possible.)

1. Premchand wrote this novel.
This Nobel was written by Premchand.

2. We admire the brave.

The brave are admired (by us).

2. I bought the baby a doll.

The baby was brought a doll.

A doll was brought for the baby.

4. They know me.

I am known to them.

5. He invited me to his house yesterday.

I was invited to his house yesterday.

6. They enjoy bathing.

Bathing is enjoyed by them.

7. I opened the door.

The door was opened by me.

8. I read the book long ago.

This book was read by me long ago.

9. Pakistan expected to win the match.

It was expected by Pakistan that they would win the match.

10. The master appointed him monitor.

He was appointed Monitor.

11. Who taught you such tricks as these?

By whom were you taught such tricks as these?

12. Brutus accused Caesar of ambition.

Caesar was accused of ambition by Brutus.

13. The boy is climbing the cliff.

The cliff is being climbed by the boy.

14. He taught me to read Persian.

I was taught by him to read Persian.

15. One expects better behaviour from a college student.

Better behaviour is expected from a college student.

16. They showed a video of The Titanic'.

A video of ‘The Titanic’ was shown.

17. You must endure what you cannot cure.

What cannot be cured must be endured.

18. The King reviewed the troops in the maidan.

The troops were reviewed by the king in the maidan.

19. The curator of the museum showed us some ancient coins.

We were shown some ancient coins by the curator of the museum.

Some ancient coins were shown us by the curator of the museum.

20. They have pulled down the old house.

The old house has been pulled down.

21. The rules forbid passengers to cross the railway line.

Passengers are forbidden to cross the railway line.

22. He made his wife do the work.

His wife was made to do the work.

23. Nature teaches beasts to know their friends.

Beasts are taught by nature to know their friends.

24. All desire wealth and some acquire it.

Wealth is desired by all and acquired by some.

25. Lincoln emancipated four million African slaves.

Four million African slaves were emancipated by Lincoln.

26. We expect good news.

Good news is expected.

27. They propose to build a dam for irrigation purposes.

It is proposed to build a dam for irrigation purposes.

28. I offered him a chair.

He was offered a chair.

A chair was offered him.

29. The French surrendered Quebec to the English in 1759.

Quebec was surrendered by the French to the English in 1759.

30. He showed me the greatest respect.

I was shown the greatest respect.

31. Alas! We shall hear his voice no more.

Alas! His voice will be heard no more.

32. Shall I ever forget those happy days?

Will those happy days be ever forgotten?

33. Do you not understand my meaning?

Is my meaning understood?

34. We must listen to his words.

His words must be listen to.

Exercise 70.

(a) In the following sentences replace the Nouns in italics by Verbs:-

1. He rejected all our proposals.

He rejected all that we proposed.

1.      Steel gains strength from the addition of nickel.

Steel is strengthened by the addition of nickel.

2.      He made an agreement to supply me with firewood.

He agreed to supply me with firewood.

3.      His purpose is not clear from his letter.

What he intends is not clear from his letter.

4.      You cannot gain admission without a ticket.

You cannot be admitted without a ticket.

5.      He has no intention of leaving the city.

He does not intend to leave the city.

6.      I have a disinclination for work to-day.

I am disinclined to work today.

7.      He made a success of all his undertakings.

He succeeded in all that he undertook.

8.      These mangoes have a sweet smell but a sour taste.

These mangoes smell sweet but taste sour.


(b) Rewrite the following sentences so as to replace the Adverbs in italics by Verbs:-

1. The defenders successfully repelled every attack on the city.

The defender succeeded in repelling every attack on the city.

2. This scene is surpassingly beautiful.

 This scene surpasses all others in beauty.

3. He is admittedly the greatest general of the country.

It is admitted that he is the greatest general of the country.

4. They welcomed the good news most joyfully.

They rejoiced most of the good news.


(c) Rewrite the following sentences so as to replace the Verbs and Adjectives in italics by corresponding Nouns:-

1. Though the ant is small it is as intelligent as the elephant.

Though the ant is small it has as much intelligence as the elephant.

2. He said he regretted that he had acted so hastily.

He expressed regret for his hasty act/action.

3. He was so active in his old age that everybody admired him.

He was so full of activity in his old age that he won everybody’s admiration.

4. Before I pay you what is due you must sign this receipt.

Before I pay you your dues, you must affix your signature to this receipt.

5. The best way to be healthy is to be temperate in all things.

The best way to maintain health is to observe temperature in all things.



(d) Rewrite the following sentences, replacing Nouns and Adverbs in italics by

Adjectives of similar meaning:-

1.      In all probability the day will be fine.

It is quite probable that the day will be fine.

2.      The rats gave us a great deal of trouble.

The rats were greatly troublesome to us.

3.      He was dismissed for negligence rather than incompetence.

He was dismissed for being negligent rather than for being incompetent.

4.      He was admittedly clever, but he evidently lacked industry.

It was an admitted fact that he was clever, but it was evident that he lacked industry.

5.      The merchant had great success in all his dealings, and was naturally esteemed by his fellow citizens.

The merchant was greatly successful in all his dealings, and it was natural that he was esteemed by his fellow citizens.


(e) Rewrite the following sentences replacing Nouns and Adjectives in italics by Adverbs of similar meaning:-

1. Her dress was poor and mean.

She was poorly and meanly dressed.

2. He broke the rules without any intention of doing so, but it does not follow that his

punishment was wrong.

He broke the rules without any intention of doing so, but it does not follow that he was wrongly punished.

3. His mistake was evident, but his sincerity was also obvious.

He was evidently mistaken but obviously sincere.

4. By a careful analysis of these substances you will see that they differ in essence.
By carefully analysing these substances you will see that they are essentially different.