Saturday, June 5, 2021





Dev Public School (Danapur)




                              Painting & Drawing Competition

All the students of classes v to viii are hereby informed to participate in the Painting & Drawing Competition to be held in the school on the 11th of June 2021.

Time: 9:00 am to 11.00 am

Venue: Hall Room, North block

Prizes: First- Rs.2000, Second-Rs.1500, Third-Rs.1100

Certificates will be awarded to all participants. Drawing sheets will be provided by the school. For further details, contact the undersigned.


Vaishnav Sharma







                   Lord Buddha Public School, (Goa)




                                Appeal for COVIDD-19 Victims

This is to bring to the notice of students of all the classes that a ‘Cultural Fiesta’ is going to be organized by our school. The money collected from you will directly be transferred to the ‘Prime Minister’s Relief fund’ for the victims of COVID-19 our country.


Date:           4.00 pm

Venue:        School Auditorium

Ticket:         Rs.100

Chief Guest:  District Magistrate, Miss Purnima Roy

For further details contact the undersigned.


Nayansukh Panday

Cultural secretary












All the student of Sarada Vidya Mandir are hereby informed that Regional Level Cricket Tournament is going to be hosted by our School from 10 June to 15 June 2021. All the students interested in Games & Sports are requested to come and encourage the participants by cheering for the teams.

For further details, contact the undersigned.

Sports Secretary


Friday, June 4, 2021

Exercise in Grammar 99


Exercise in Grammar 99


Distinguish as Adverb, Preposition, or Conjunction, each of the italicized words in the following sentences:-


1. He came before me.
Answer: Preposition

2. He came two hours before.
Answer: Adverb

3. He came before I left.
Answer: Conjunction

4. Have you ever seen him since?
Answer: Adverb

5. I have not seen him since Monday.
Answer: Preposition

6. I have not seen him since he was a child.
Answer: Conjunction

7. Man wants but little here below.
Answer: Adverb

8. He yearns for nothing but money.
Answer: Preposition

9. We shall go, but you will remain.
Answer: Conjunction

10. He arrived after the meeting was adjourned.
Answer: Conjunction

11. He arrived after the meeting.
Answer: Preposition

12. He arrived soon after.
Answer: Adverb

Solution to Exercise in Grammar 55

 Solution to Exercise in Grammar 55

 Point out the Participles and Gerunds in the following sentences. In the case of the

Participle, name the noun or pronoun which it qualifies. In the case of the Gerund, state

whether it is subject, object, complement, or used after a preposition.

 1. He was found fighting desperately for his life.

Answer: fighting-Participle, qualifying the pronoun ‘he’

2. He has ruined his sight by reading small print.
Answer: reading-Gerund, object of the preposition ‘by’

3. Hearing the noise, he ran to the window.
Answer: hearing- participle, qualifying the pronoun ‘he’

4. We saw a clown standing on his head.
Answer: standing- participle, qualifying the noun, ‘clown’

5. Asking questions is easier than answering them.
Answer: asking- Gerund, subject of the verb ‘is’ answering –Gerund, subject of the verb ‘is’ understood

6. Waving their hats and handkerchiefs, the people cheered the king.
Answer: Waving- participle, qualifying the noun ‘people’

7. Walking on the grass is forbidden.
Answer: Walking-Gerund, subject of the verb ‘is forbidden’

8. Jumping over the fence, the thief escaped.
Answer: Jumping- Participle, qualifying the noun ‘thief’

9. The miser spends his time in hoarding money.
Answer: hoarding-gerund, object of the preposition ‘in’

10. Much depends on Rama's returning before noon.
Answer: returning-gerund, object of the preposition ‘on’

11. Amassing wealth often ruins health.
Answer: Amassing- Gerund, subject of the verb ‘ruins’

12. I was surprised at Hari's being absent.
Answer: being-Gerund, object of the preposition ‘at’

13. We spent the afternoon in playing cards.
Answer: playing-Gerund, object of the preposition ‘in’

14. The miser hated spending money.
Answer: spending-gerund, object of the verb ‘hated’

15. She was angry at Saroja trying to lie to her.
Answer: Saroja trying to lie to her –Gerund, object of the preposition ‘at’

16. Praising all alike is praising none.
Answer: Praising –Gerund, subject of the verb ‘is’, praising-Gerund, complement of the verb ‘is,

17. Are you afraid of his hearing you?

Answer: hearing- Gerund, object of the preposition ‘of’

18. I determined to increase my salary by managing a little farm.
Answer: managing- Gerund, object of the preposition ‘by’

19. Success is not merely winning applause.
Answer: winning –Gerund, complement of the verb ‘is’

20. The year was spent in visiting our rich neighbours.
Answer; visiting –Gerund, object of the preposition ‘in’

21. Singing to herself was her chief delight.
Answer: singing –Gerund, subject of the verb ‘was’

22. He preferred playing football to studying his lessons.
Answer: Playing – Gerund, object of the verb ‘preferred’
studying – Gerund, object of the preposition ‘to’

23. I thank thee, Jew, for teaching me that word.
Answer: teaching- Gerund, object of the preposition ‘for’

24. 1 cannot go on doing nothing.
Answer: doing –Gerund, object of ‘go on’ phrasal verb.